How to Support Our Lymphatic System To Expedite Healing!

Jun 12, 2024

 The lymphatic system is a vital component of the human body's immune response, responsible for transporting lymph fluid, a mixture of white blood cells, proteins, and other substances, throughout the body.


This system plays a crucial role in defending the body against infections, diseases, and other threats by filtering out harmful substances and recycling waste. 


 We need the lymphatic system to help us detox the toxins and pathogens out of the body.  Unlike the circulatory system, our lymphatic system has no pump to help it move around. 


The lymphatic system relies on our physical movement to help it move the waste and toxins out.  Therefore, we have to give it some extra help when we can.  The first way we can help our lymphatic system move toxins out is by unblocking the intersections of the lymphatic system. 

Lymphatic Massage


 We can do a light massage on the areas of the body where difference lymph nodes come together.  Watch the attached video for a full demonstration!

There are key points where the lymphatic drainage occurs. 

1.  The area around the collarbone area. 

2.The next area is behind your ears and under your jaw. 

3.The lymphatics from your sternum and your pectoral area into your armpits. 

4. Massage down from your sternum down to your belly button and around your belly button area.

5. The pelvic lymph nodes are in the crease between your legs and your torso 

6. The final focus is on the lymph nodes of the lower limb.  Those are located behind your knees.  You will see more specifically how to massage these areas in the demonstration.


  Another great way to get the lympatic system moving is by doing rebounding.  A rebounder is a mini-trampoline.  By bouncing on the rebounder, the lymphatic system can move the lymphatic fluid around and help the toxins leave the body. 

  Lightly bouncing on the rebounder is all that is necessary.  Your feet can stay in contact with the bed of the trampoline.  You can start with just 5 min. a day.  Eventually, you can go longer if you want to.  I have often bounced while we are watching TV in the evening.  It doesn’t have to be a vigorous exercise.  It is very light and easy to do.

Here are a couple of links of rebounders I would recommend 


Dry Brushing

Dry brushing before you step into the shower or bath is also helpful.  Start at your hands and brush up your arms sweeping the toxins toward your mammary lymph nodes. 

 Then go to your feet and sweep up your legs moving the lymph fluid toward your pelvic lymph nodes.

Here is a link for a dry brush you may like:

Increase Living Water and Juices

Another way to help the lymphatic system move more easily, is to increase your daily intake of living water from juices, and high water content foods,  like melons and cucumbers. 

Cucumber juice and watermelon juice are powerful natural remedies that can help  your lymphatic system become more efficient at moving out toxins.  Adding more fluids to the routine helps the lymphatic fluid become less gelatinous and more free flowing.

Often after years of eating the Standard American Diet or a diet high in fat, our lymphatic fluid becomes thick and doesn’t move as well as it used to.  By adding in extra juices, the lymphatic fluid naturally thins out and is more able to move the toxins out of the body. 

One of my favorite ways to increase my juice intake is to blend watermelon and drink it.  I love to put a squeeze of lime in it as well.  I usually freeze some pieces of watermelon and add a few frozen pieces as well.  This makes it a super cold refreshing drink, perfect for a hot summer day!  Plus, melons are so much more flavorful when they are in season.


Herbal Teas

 You can also add in herbal teas into your daily routine that are helpful for the lymphatic system.  Red Clover, dandelion and burdock root are some herbs that are helpful for the lymphatic system.  Red clover tea, dandelion tea, and burdock root are powerful herbal remedies that can support lymphatic health. Red clover is known for its ability to cleanse the blood and improve lymph flow, while dandelion tea helps to flush out toxins and promote drainage. Burdock root is a popular detoxifying herb that can reduce inflammation and stimulate the lymphatic system.

Here are some links for the teas:


Castor Oil

 One final tool you can use to help support the lymphatic system is Castor oil.  I recommend using organic castor oil. Here is a link for one option:

You can use it in a variety of ways.  First there are castor oil packs you can do over your liver area, thyroid or spleen.  To do this:

Prepare the Pack: Cut an old shirt into 12 x 18 inches, fold it into three thicknesses, and place it in a pan with enough castor oil to cover it. Let it soak for a few hours or overnight.

  •  Heat the Pack: Place the pack in a heating pad or a hot water bottle to warm it up.

  •  Apply the Pack: Lie down on a towel, place the pack on your abdomen, and wrap it with a towel. The pack should be on the right side of your body, extending from the breastbone to about 4 inches below the navel.

  •  Relax and Repeat: Keep the pack on for 45 minutes, and repeat for 3 days in a row. Take a break for 4 days, and then repeat the process.

Benefits of the Castor Oil Pack:

  • Flushes the lymphatic system, reducing digestive issues, edema, inflammation, and allergies

  • Stimulates digestion and circulation

  • Removes toxins and helps with disease prevention

  • Supports immune function and adrenal health

  • Can be used to relieve back, joint, and trauma pain

Tips and Precautions:

  • Use an old shirt or towel to avoid staining

  • Apply heat to the pack before using it

  • Keep the pack on for 45 minutes, and repeat for 3 days in a row

  • Take breaks for 4 days before repeating the process

  • Avoid using essential oils that cause irritation or allergic reactions

  • Store the pack in a plastic bag in the refrigerator when not in use


I have also found it helpful to rub some castor oil over my throat area from under my chin down to my pectoral area, before bed. 

The great thing about castor oil is that it contains fatty acids that get absorbed through the skin, providing moisture and boosting skin health, supporting hormone balance and delivering anti-oxidants.  It floods the area with more circulation, and enhances detoxification and rejuvenation.   The oil is thick and gloppy but absorbs into the skin fairly quickly.  You could do this instead of the castor oil packs or in step with them.   

I hope you will adopt some of these tools to help your expedite your healing journey!

Our bodies know how to heal.  Sometimes we have to give them a little helping hand to move things along!



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